Pipelines for the transmission of natural gas at low pressure and the related gas facilities – from the transmission system to the meter, including the meter itself.

A company that has a license from the Natural Gas Authority to distribute natural gas in a specified area.
Development that meets the needs of the present while utilizing Earth’s resources in a balanced way that allows for their natural renewal.
These include three safety ranges: Safety Distance to Residential Buildings (HBD), Safety Distance for Exposed Population (SED), and Ignition Source-Free Zone (ESD).
During the use of primary energy sources, components that pollute the air, such as heavy hydrocarbons, are released. These hydrocarbons, along with carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen, are filtered out of the natural gas before it is transferred to the national transmission system and subsequently to the production processes at customer sites.
The fee applied to natural gas customers for the transmission of natural gas from the suppliers to the consumption sites or distribution network. The rate is set and regulated by the Natural Gas Authority in accordance with the Natural Gas Market Law. It includes two components: capacity and actual transmission
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